#027: 12 Traits of the Greats Book Review

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In this episode, Erick Rheam, reviews the book, The 12 Traits of the Greats by Dave Martin.

Leaders are readers.  It’s important to have a consistent reading habit so you can evolve in your thinking and expand your paradigm of the world. 

Erick unpacks some of the highlights that stuck out to him from the The 12 Traits of the Greats book.  Erick focuses on three of the 12 traits that he found interesting to include: responsibility, mindset, and courage.

Resources Mentioned

  1. Subscribe to the podcast
  2. Rise Above Chaos book
  3. Work with Erick
  4. The 12 Traits of the Greats book

Action Step

  • Read the 12 Traits of the Greats Book